Component HPW Weeks Time Day Location
Practical (Computer labs) 2 1-5,7-10 1400-1600 Thu E26 Lab 11-12
Tutorial (Computer Labs) 2 1-5,7-10 1000-1200 Fri CATS 11-12

Practical and Tutorial Schedule

Prac/Tutorial sessions will be delivered synchronously as a combination of online and face-to-face live sessions with support from lecturers and demonstrators. Presentations will be recorded for reference

Practical (2 hour) - THU 2PM-4PM - E26/LABS 11-12 Tutorial (2 hour) - FRI 10-12 PM  CATS 11-12/Teams Assignment and week of submission    
15-Feb Intro to Unix and High Performance Computing on Katana 16-Feb Dataset research/ Talk Prep  
22-Feb Exploring Online Genetic Resources - SRA and Ensembl 23-Feb Q&A Prac and Talk Prep  
29-Feb Using FASTQC for Data Quality report 01-Mar  TALKs Wk 3: Assignment 1a-Talk
07-Mar Using Trimmomatic for Trimming and Filtering 8-Mar Q&A Prac  
14-Mar Assigment 1B Quiz and Prac revision 15-Mar The complexity of the genome (JM) Wk 5: Assignment 1B
28-Mar Using Kallisto for Pseudoalignment 29-Mar GOOD FRIDAY  
04-Apr Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes 05-Apr Ramaciotti Tour  
11-Apr Work on prac report 12-Apr Sequencing Technology (JB)  
18-Apr Work on prac report 19-Apr Work on prac report Wk 10: Prac report 18/4

Attendance in practicals & tutorials is compulsory unless otherwise announced or prior arrangements have been made.

Allocation of Marks

Assessment Task Weight Date Week Number
1. RNA-seq Dataset Talk 10% Friday 01 Mar Week 3
2. Genomics Quiz 20% Thursday 14 Mar 1400 Week 5
3. Bioinformatics Practical Report 40% Friday 19 April 1400 Week 10
4. Final Exam 30% See Exam Timetable