BABS 3291
Course Structure
Practical W1-5
Sample Datasets
Week 1A Setting Up on Katana
Week 1B 1) Introducing the Shell
Week 1B 2) Navigating Files and Directories
Week 1B 3) Writing Scripts and Working with Data
Week 2 1) Redirection
Week 2 2) Creating scripts and submitting
Week 2 3) Exploring your dataset
Week 3 Using FASTQC For Data Quality Report
Week 4 Using Trimmomatic for Trimming and Filtering
Week 5 Student Talks
Practical W6-10
Week 6 Flexibility Week
Week 7 Ramachotti Tour
Week 8 Using Kallisto for Pseudoalignment
Week 9A Using DEGUST for Differential Expression Analysis
Week 9B Understanding the Theory Behind Differential Expression Analysis
Week 10 Explaining DE
Tutorial Overview
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Key Information
Week 6 - Flexibility Week
Week 6 - Flexibility Week
No set work.