Submitting Jobs to the Wolfpack



  • How can we automate a commonly used set of commands?

  • How can we submit a job to the HPC?


  • Use qrsh to run a job interactively.

  • Use qsub to submit a batch job

  • Use the bash command to execute a shell script.

  • Use chmod to make a script an executable program.

Wolfpack - How to start an interactive job

For a more in depth understanding of the Wolfpack please navigate through the intranet for more helpful information. Different clusters use different tools to manage resources and schedule jobs. Wolfpack uses Sun Grid Engine (SGE) to control access to compute nodes. The implementation of SGE is custom so Googling may or may not provide useful answers. If you run the command below for information specific to Wolfpack-specific SGEL

man qsub

We will not be going into a deep dive of high-performance computers. In essence, compute nodes are just high-performance computers. Made up of multiple fast CPUs (computational processing units), extra RAM (random access memory) and you can request whatever your analysis requires.

The head node is not particularly powerful, and is shared by all logged-in users. Never run computational intense jobs there!!

The “polite” thing to do is to request an interactive node, or submit a job. For small jobs that you are troubleshooting, form an interactive session. An interactive job or interactive session is a session on a compute node with the required physical resources for the period of time requested.

To request an interactive job, use the function qrsh. Default sessions will have 1 CPU core, 1GB and 1 hour.


For example, the following two commands. The first provides a default session, the second provides a session with two CPU cores and 8GB memory. You can tell when an interactive job has started when you see the name of the node from dice01 to delta-3-2 to the name of the server your job is running on.

$ [helkin@dice02]$ qrsh

$ [helkin@dice01]$ qrsh -l h_data=4G,h_vmem=8G -pe smp 2 
$ [helkin@delta-3-2 ~]$

To see what is being run by you:

 $ qstat

Jobs are constrained by the resources that are requested. In the previous example the second job - running on delta-3-2 - would be terminated after 48 hours or if a command within the session consumed more than 8GB memory.

The job (and therefore the session) can also be terminated by running the command below.

 $ qdel

Wolfpack - How to start a batch job

A batch job is a script that runs autonomously on a compute node. The script must contain the necessary sequence of commands to complete a task independently of any input from the user. This section contains information about how to create and submit a batch job on Wolfpack.

You must now edit your to have the same format as below.

grep -B1 -A2 -h NNNNNNNNNN *.fastq | grep -v '^--' 


This script can be now be submitted to the cluster with qsub and it will become a job and be assigned to a queue.

$ qsub /[location]/

As with interactive jobs, the -l (lowercase L) flag can be used to specify resource requirements for the job:

$ qsub -cwd -M -b y -N name_of_job -pe smp 4 -l mem_requested=4.5G,tmp_requested=13.5G /[location]/

Memory is what your computer uses to store data temporarily. This is called RAM (random access memory) which is hardware that allows the computer to efficiently perform more than one task at a time. Disk space refers to hard drive storage while storage is where you save files permanently.

The total memory is the number of cores (smp) times by the value of mem_requested requested. Nodes have ~8G per core, up to ~1TB total. Your job will be killed if it uses too much RAM, but there is no error message or way to tell this is the case.

Total Disk Space is the number of cores (smp) times the value of tmp_requested. Nodes have up to 250G per core, up to 20TB total. Older nodes have much less.

For more information on the different settings to use:

You can also rewrite your original script to include the job requests within the script like below:

    #$ -S /bin/sh
    #$ -pe smp 2
    #$ -cwd
    #making sure bashprofile is loaded -this depends on whether this is in your /home/user/ folder
    #. ~/.bash_profile
    #loading module path for setting up environment within qsub job
    export MODULEPATH=/share/ClusterShare/Modules/modulefiles/contrib/centos7.8:$MODULEPATH
    #this is the module i need to run
    module load phuluu/fastqc/0.11.9
    echo "check my script"


The role of the SGE scheduler is to match available resources to jobs. In different contexts, the terms can have varying meanings. However, if we focus in the context of HPC, here are the definitions:

A cluster consists of multiple compute nodes. A node refers to a unit within a computer cluster, typically a computer. It usually has one or two CPUs, each with multiple cores. The cores on the same CPU share memory, but memory is generally not shared between CPUs. A CPU (computational processing unit) is a resource provided by a node. In this context, it can refer to a core or a hardware thread based on the SGE configuration. A core is the part of a processor responsible for computations. A processor can have multiple cores. A login node is the destination for SSH access. In the case of the Wolfpack, there are two login nodes: dice01 and dice02. A compute node provides resources like processors, random access memory (RAM), and disk space. In the context of SGE, a processor is referred to as a socket, which is the physical slot on the motherboard hosting the processor. A single core can have one or two hardware threads. Hardware multi-threading allows the operating system to perceive a doubled number of cores while only doubling certain core components, typically related to memory and I/O rather than computation. Hardware multi-threading is often disabled in HPC (high-performance computing) environments. A job consists of one or more sequential steps, and each step can have one or more parallel tasks. A task represents an instance of a running program, which may include subprocesses or software threads. Multiple tasks are dispatched to potentially multiple nodes, depending on their core requirements. The number of cores a task needs depends on the number of subprocesses or software threads within the running program instance. The goal is to assign each hardware thread to a core and ensure that all cores assigned to a task are on the same node. When a job is submitted to the SGE scheduler, it initially waits in the queue before being executed on the compute nodes. The duration spent in the queue is referred to as the queue time, while the time it takes for the job to run on the compute nodes is called the execution time.

Extension task

Check the memory for each node.

qstat -F | grep 'mem\|local'

Check the core and RAM usage (all somewhat unreliable) using EG:

/usr/bin/time -v echo test program
#       (user time + sys time) / real time
qacct/qstat -j 12345

Check the diskspace

du -sh "$TMPDIR"

Transferring Data Between your Local Machine and Wolfpack (there and back again)

Uploading Data to your Virtual Machine with scp

scp stands for ‘secure copy protocol’, and is a widely used UNIX tool for moving files between computers. The simplest way to use scp is to run it in your local terminal, and use it to copy a single file:

scp <file I want to move> <where I want to move it>

Note that you are always running scp locally, but that doesn’t mean that you can only move files from your local computer. In order to move a file from your local computer to an AWS instance, the command would look like this:

$ scp <local file> <wolfpack login details>:"location"

e.g * On my Mac computer** scp"somewhere/nice/"

To move it back to your local computer, you re-order the to and from fields:

$ scp <wolfpack login details> <local file>:"location"

** On my Mac computer ** scp"somewhere/nice/" /somewhere/okay/

Tip: If you are looking for another (or any really) text file in your home directory to use instead, try:

$ find ~ -name *.txt

Key Points

  • Scripts are a collection of commands executed together.

  • How to submit interactive jobs

  • Transferring information to and from virtual and local computers.

Adapted from the Data Carpentry Intro to Command Line -shell genomics

Licensed under CC-BY 4.0 2018–2021 by The Carpentries
Licensed under CC-BY 4.0 2016–2018 by Data Carpentry